Eucalyptus Fastigata

Stock status

General characteristics:

Hardy:Possibly as low as -9°CLimited information is available, though Fastigata is grown extensively in Southern New Zealand where temperatures regularly dip below freezing even at lower levels.
Soil:Prefers rich soils, will grow in clays, likes lots of hydration.
Growth:Fast, 1.5 to 2m per year.
Height:50m plus.
Flowering:Short season from December to February. NOTE this may reverse in Norther Hemisphere Ireland, I am still learning and will update as soon as I have better information.
Biomass:A good choice, grows fast producing large quantities of timber per hectare.

Common names

Also known as; Brown Barrel

Grows natively in the Australian alps and Blue mountains where rainfall is plentiful. A good choice for Ireland 🤣

This is definitely a tree for the farmer / forester in Ireland 😉 Currently grown in New Zealand as a possible replacement for Radiata Pine, the most planted forestry tree there. Fastigata is fast growing and produces large volumes of timber per hectare. The timber is suitable for a wide range of uses:

  • Firewood
  • Good quality paper pulp
  • Construction timber

Considered to be more easily machined than other eucalyptus varieties is a significant factor in the New Zealand forestry strategy for planting Fastigata. Eucalyptus Fastigata is one of the ash varieties of Eucalyptus.

I extol the virtues of this mighty Eucalyptus as a commercial tree, though it will also grow into a magnificent specimen tree for the very large garden or park.

Original photo by Flora & Fauna on Flickr

Eucalyptus Fastigata stately specimen

Fastigata is a close relative of Regnans, one of the tallest plants in the world, and the pedigree shows in the tall narrow architecture of these magnificent giants. I presume the common name “Brown Barrel” is derived from the large brown round trunk.

The Latin name Fastigata means high or exalted. These giant trees certainly attain a great height !

Photo by Nelson

Eucalyptus Fastigata brown barrel stringy bark

Some further reading of interest to the commercial grower at Scion Research of New Zealand.