Eucalyptus Urnigera

Stock status

General characteristics:

Hardy:Very, frost hardy to -14°C
Soil:Will survive in boggy areas and exposed locations.
Growth:Fast, up to 1.5m per year in good conditions.
Height:15m plus if left to grow, a spread of 7 -10m if stand alone. Making the Urnigera an attractive specimen tree for smaller gardens.
Biomass:Good firewood, can be coppiced, polarded or logged

Common names

Also known as; Urn Gum

Eucalyptus Urnigera is mentioned in the Coford report on Eucalyptus trials in Ireland from the late 1850’s. The Coford report is linked to from the teagasc web site, and therefore can be considered authoritative.
In brief the report states that survival rates for Urnigera are particularly high. Growth rate and DBH (diameter at breast height) are also high, so I’d say Eucalyptus Urnigera can be considered a suitable variety for cultivation in Ireland.

Eucalyptus Urnigera foliage

I’ve yet to see the bark peel on my Urnigera, though from photos I’ve seen, it’s shades of grey so to speak.