Milk Kefir for soil improvement

The background to my using Milk Kefir to improve the health of my soil started when a couple of farmers came down to check out the Eucalyptus trees.
One of them told a tale of the farmers in the US, who, not being paid enough for their milk by the stores, dumped it back onto the fields. The result a few weeks later was that the grass where they had poured the milk was putting on a significant growth spurt.
The farmer said he’d filled up a slurry tank with a diluted mix of milk and water and sprayed it on half a field. Three years later they could still see the contrast between the area treated and the area not treated.

So I decided to give it a go as well, though on a much smaller scale.

Sure enough, it worked 😮 the very green strip of grass to the left of the gap in the wall.

Milk experiment lush grass

I drink a lot of Milk Kefir for the health benefits, it works 😉 Health.

Anyways it dawned on my that it wasn’t actually all milk I was pouring on the area, but a mixture of the past it’s sell by date milk and also the past it’s best Milk Kefir that I drink.

I tried it on the grass behind the hedge. This is an area where they landscaped when building the house. It’s very poor ground, compacted with only a thin covering of soil. It doesn’t hold the moisture and generally the vegetation is sparser and browned off.

The photo below was taken on the 16th of April 2021, and you can seen the difference my pouring milk kefir in strips down the lawn has made !

Milk Kefir soil improvement stripes on the bank May 21

The green, lush strips which have been inoculated with Milk Kefir are most noticeable during what would be the dormant winter season. So inoculating the soil with Milk Kefir is extending the growing season. For the forester, farmer and enthusiastic grower, this can only be beneficial 😉

I still pour the past its sell by date Milk, and past its best Milk Kefir on my mini forest, though the soil here is in such good condition now, it would be fine without it.