The Hidden World of Trees

Before I started reading and researching Eucalyptus, and trees in general I was oblivious to their secret world of social responsibility and family life.
Trees are creatures ! perhaps not in the way that most of us consider living beings to be creatures, though they are creatures none the less.

In the hidden world of trees family and community life exists in much the same way as it does for us human beings.

  • Trees share hydration with each other
  • Trees share nutrients with each other
  • Trees share information with each other

For the most part the large ancient forests have now been cut down and replaced with short lived commercial monoculture. Eucalyptus will live for around two hundred and fifty years if left to grow naturally. Other varieties will live for thousands of years.

Trees are a great benefit, not only for timber products, construction and fuel. They are also great at removing toxins from the air and soil. They improve air quality, and act as cooling agents in hot cities. Provide shelter for animals and regulate water systems.
Trees are remarkable.